Node - An individual data element of a graph is called Node. Node is also known as vertex.
Edge - An edge is a connecting link between two nodes. It is represented as e = {a,b} Edge is also called Arc.
Adjacent - Two vertices are adjacent if they are connected by an edge.
Degree - a degree of a node is the number of edges incident to the node.
Undirected Graphs - Undirected graphs have edges that do not have a direction. The edges indicate a two-way relationship, in that each edge can be traversed in both directions.
Directed Graphs - Directed graphs have edges with direction. The edges indicate a one-way relationship, in that each edge can only be traversed in a single direction.
Weighted Edges - If each edge of graphs has an association with a real number, this is called its weight.
Self-Loop - It is an edge having the same node for both destination and source point.
Multi-Edge - Some Adjacent nodes may have more than one edge between each other.
Complete Graph - A graph having at least one edge between every two nodes.
Connected Graph - A graph with paths between every pair of nodes.
Tree - an undirected connected graph that has any two nodes that are connected by exactly one path. There are some other definitions that you can notice it is tree:
an undirected graph is connected and has no cycles. an undirected graph is acyclic, and a simple cycle is formed if any edge is added to the graph.
an undirected graph is connected, it will become disconnected if any edge is removed.
an undirected graph is connected, and has (number of nodes - 1) edges.