Lowest Common Ancestors
This problem consists of queries, LCA(x, y), and asks for the ancestor of both x and y whose depth is maximum. We will use a similar algorithm to the jump pointer algorithm with implementation.
As we did in Jump Pointer Method, we will calculate node's all \(2^i\). ancestors if they exist. L[x][y] corresponds to x's \(2^y\). ancestors. Hence L[x][0] is basically the parent of x.
Queries-Binary Lifting¶
Given LCA(x, y), we calculate answer by following:
Firstly, ensure that both x and y are in same depth. If it is not take the deepest one to the other one's depth. Then control whether x and y is equal. If they are equal, that means the lowest common ancestor is x. After that, from i = log(N), check that if x's \(2^i\). ancestor is equal to y's \(2^i\). ancestor. If they are not equal that means LCA is somewhere above the \(2^i\). ancestors of x and y. Then we continue to search LCA of y and x’s ancestors as LCA(L[x][i], L[y][i]) is the same as LCA(x, y). Please notice that we have ensured that depth difference between LCA and both x and y are no longer larger than \(2^i\). If we apply this producure until i = 0, we would left with x and y such that parent of x is LCA. Of course, the parent of y would also be LCA.